Scripture Reading - 1 John 1:7-8

7 But if we walk in the light, as he is in the light, we have fellowship one with another, and the blood of Jesus Christ his Son cleanseth us from all sin.
8 If we say that we have no sin, we deceive ourselves, and the truth is not in us. KJV

Many times people blame their misfortune on their circumstances in life or the people who influenced them. Some believe the problems they face in their current situation are direct results of the mistreatment they received from others. We all know that people will be mistreated in this world but blaming others for how you act right now is wrong. It is a common “sin” among many people in this world to justify their improper attitude because of what they suffered in life. Everyone sins in this world but for one to think that, “I am sinless because the person who hurt me is the sinner” is an excuse to remain bitter and an immature (carnal minded) person. Notice that this verse clearly points out that our deception is a product of our own doing. When we say (or think) “I have no sin” you are publicly boasting that you have no need for Jesus Christ. You are also dishonoring His Personal Sacrifice of His Very Own Precious Blood and Body. I know many do not realize this because they rarely do any self (inward) examination. The closer you get to God’s heart the clearer (better) you understand that all men upon the earth are inherently evil but “the Blood of Jesus” cleanses us from all sin. We are not clean or holy because of our good deeds or holy lifestyle but solely based upon our acceptance of His sacrificial body and blood. Therefore all movies (or any books) that speak of men as good moral beings is lying against the truth of God’s Word. It is not the deception of what unbeliever’s see, say or hear that makes them evil, it is rather their prideful twisted heart not wanting to admit they are a wretched sinners in need of the Savoir Jesus Christ. All other religions outside of Christianity celebrate a doctrine of good works with some hope of eternal life. However, true Christianity celebrates “the Blood of Jesus” flowing out of His broken body covering our sins forever. Not just the sinful acts we performed while on this earth but also the complete removal of the sinful nature of the unregenerate man. So if you do become engaged with someone about the validity of man apart from God, steer them in the direction of man’s sinful nature (selfish and prideful) to accentuate the Worthiness of “the Blood of Jesus”. Remember, without the Blood of Jesus applied to the eyes of a man, no man will ever see clearly. Thus they will remain deceived instead of washed clean by “the Blood of Jesus”. Amen!